Ritual & Healing

Spirit Guides, Gods and Spirits

Through working with my Spirit Guides and other Gods and Spirits that come to help, I am given access to the information about your imbalance on emotional, mental, spiritual and physical levels. They would interact and connect with me, giving me guidance and higher knowledge on how the rituals and healing should be performed, and empower me with their energies. Rituals and healings are processes that require you to work with me together, it takes time and patience for your soul and body to restore to the healthy balance and regain the power.

My Spirit Guides and other Gods and Spirits will work with me at all rituals and healings, please respect and be open to the divine messages, even when they may not be what you expected.



Divination provides you with hidden information relevant to your present situation. Through interacting with the Gods and Spirits, the root or cause of the incident could be diagnosed and identified. Practical advice, guidance and directions will be given so that you could act on it and bring you closer to your desired outcome.

Wishes & Blessings


Wealth, Love, Health, etc. are energies in different forms that are seen and experienced in our world. Such reality is interconnected with the three worlds and is affected across dimensions, time and space. Through unique rituals, spells and skills, I travel between the worlds and communicates with gods and spirits, bringing back the right energy and empowerment to manifests your wishes. All rituals are tailored and designed for your specific need that fit your circumstances.

Distant Space Cleansing


Like a space full of dust and bacteria, accumulated ill and negative energies are toxic and hazardous to the lives that stayed in that area. By working with my team of Spirit Guides, Gods and other Spirits, I will eliminate toxic energies and curses, clear blockages, expel evil spirits, and perform healing to fill the space with love, warmth and protection.

Distant space cleansing refreshes the space, before moving into a new office or house, after breakup, illness, death or some significant events occurred, or whenever you feel uncomfortable or not-right. It cleanses the area comprehensively and thoroughly, without disturbing other members within the area or the need to tidy up beforehand.

Spiritual Healing


Spiritual Healing mainly focuses on blockages and imbalance that appear in recent times or you may be aware of. The symptoms may be felt or seen. It can be as simple as a feeling of detached or unease in life; signs of ill fortune or repeated nightmares; intense emotions like fear, pressure, depression or anxiety; insomnia, pain or other discomfort that are unable to find cause or cure; difficult times like heartbreak after breakdown of a relationship; trauma from loss or attacks, etc.

Sometimes these are symptoms of deeper underlying problems that you are so used to and unable to notice. Personal Karmic Healing and Ancestral Karmic Healing will go deeper into the roots of the cause and open new and healthy paths in your life.

Personal Karmic Healing


Personal Karmic Healing focuses on your habits, mind set, pattern and believes which shaped your personalities. The session also helps healing your accumulated karmic debts and wounds. They could be the results brought from your past lives, childhood experiences and consequences of your actions and intentions. Symptoms might be shown as unknown fear and insecurity, failure in building relationships or other repeated patterns in life, unchangeable habits that affects your personal development, pessimistic thoughts that lingered in mind, etc.

Ancestral Karmic Healing


Ancestral Karmic Healing treats traumatic experiences and historically accumulated blockages stored in your lineage. The healing helps liberate and relief you from the burdens and trauma that the family have been carried over generations. Symptoms could be shown as similar patterns, behaviour, life paths, relationship status, etc. among family members. Clearing blockages and reconciliation with your ancestors can also unlock and awake the potentials and wisdom in your bloodline that give great strength and support on your personal development.


from $348.00

Character, believes and perceptions form habits and behaviour that directly shape your fate and future. In addition to past trauma and blockages, your personal growth and development may be hindered, leading you to relationships, careers or other paths not of your wish. Mentoring addresses your questions in life, supports and guides you through life journey with techniques and knowledge according to your strengths and weaknesses.