(6). Kaza

I constantly had heavy bleeding and spent most of my days in hospital during this pregnancy. There were numerous times when I came back from death, each and every time the doctor warned me that I may lose my baby and even my life. But unexplainable things would happen every time when my life was at stake.

It was another bleeding, lying in bed, I was waiting for the doctors when I saw a pair of big golden hands on my stomach. I had no idea what was happening. “No! You have to survive. We need this baby. He is very important.” Then the bleeding stopped. 

“Oh surprise. Guess what, the baby is still there. There is a very strong heartbeat. You may go home. Everything’s fine.” the doctor said.

These hands saved my baby and my life many many times.  I also had many visits from extraterrestrials (ET) and spirits during this pregnancy. I have no doubt they had also helped.

The most critical moment came, I had lost almost all my blood during the delivery. It was eight hours of surgery and I ended up in a coma. When I woke up 40 hours later, the hospital staffs were completely shocked. And so was I. I didn’t know where I was, completely no clue. I only had the knowing that I was Kaza and I am a walk-in spirit from the 13th dimension. The identity of Katze started to fade. My family, especially my husband, noticed something different about me almost immediately when I began eating something I never did, and I had coffee. But I never like coffee.

The near-death of the delivery was another soul agreement. Katze’s life was fading and her soul was leaving during the delivery. Last time she accepted the destiny to have me to come into her life. This time, I came in with 80% of my energy and as she slowly passed away, I came in fully.


(5). Gift of Trance


(7). New Life